Are you ready to join a revolution in railway asset management? Railway Asset Managers, Engineers, Maintainers and Technology Specialists have been coming together to drive a step-change in safety, performance, efficiency, and reliability in lineside signalling power assets using CableGuardian from Viper Innovations.
To date the company has saved tens of thousands of delay minutes, reduced maintenance costs, and increased lineside signalling availability on critical routes, at the same time as improving safety for maintenance staff and the public by predicting and preventing lineside signalling power failures. This exciting start to life in the rail sector is set to continue as more and more people take the decision to transform their asset management, maintenance performance and electrical safety management by taking advantage of Viper Innovations’ technology and proactive service.
CableGuardian enables the application of ‘Total Asset Management’ by providing the ability to predict a wide range of electrical characteristics in lineside cables, switchgear and transformers far earlier in the cycle. The functionality of the system allows changes in insulation resistance from GOhms down to Ohms to be continuously measured. It allows cable capacitance to be measured to support target earth measurements. It will allow the user to identify a broken earth rod connection to prevent a ‘hot loc’ scenario and will measure voltage, current and volt- drop and will pinpoint a failure in the case of cable damage. The ability to trace and map multiple parameters allows us to effect machine learning by recognising and characterising system parameters as they change, with new failure modes being learned over time.

Along with its web-based portal and connection to RADAR, CableGuardian is the only product approved Tier 3, 2 and 1 system on the market. Viper Innovations’ ongoing service model enables users to identify changes in system and individual asset characteristics as soon as they happen, allowing investigation to be planned safely and efficiently well before they become failures. Its collaborative working with asset managers, maintenance staff and engineers is finding new, important failure modes in lineside assets, meaning that the return on investment in its product increases over time. This continuous monitoring enables the company to identify and characterise multiple measured phenomena to direct experienced railway staff to the point of a failure just by recognising a small change in system parameters.
Viper Innovations’ service model and innovative technology means that the minimum possible intervention can be planned, providing you with the ability to plan renewals years in advance, smoothing out expenditure. It provides the ability to deliver safer trackside working by avoiding high-pressure disruptive possessions, red zone working and scrambled recovery works. It delivers unparalleled availability and reliability in signalling power, avoiding the huge disruption of implementing degraded mode working and it provides a step change in Electrical Safety Management by preventing electric shock risk from earthing issues on the network.
So, if you are interested in investing in Total Asset Management for your lineside power assets now, into CP7 and beyond, CableGuardian could offer the solution for you.